
Current Projects

The following projects are currently ongoing, or at least on the back burner.

the neurx website


NeurX is an Elixir library for building and training neural networks. I am a principal developer and one of the original four developers of NeurX. Check back for future projects which incorporate NeurX.

the LaTeX logo


Capiar is a collection of LaTeX classes and macros which I have written and think others may find useful. Included in the repository are some illuminating examples which make use of said classes and macros. Examples include cheat sheets, school assignments, a technical resume and cover letter, and a Latin-English dictionary.

a spider's eggsac


Eggsac is a concurrent web crawler written in Elixir. It is currently in the early implementation stages, with a working prototype upcoming soon.

the Greyscale club logo


Greyscale is a security group that meets sporadically to discuss security issues and foster security-focussed software projects. Founded by myself and Vealor.

a halftoned drawing of Stimpy


Stimpy is a python program for maintaining configuration files and for rapid system provisioning. It is currently in the late design / early development phase. A project page is to come soon.

School Projects

The following projects were performed as part of my studies as a Software Engineering student at the University of Victoria.

The Sun Guard project poster

Engineering Design Project: Making BC's Ski Slopes Safer

I led a team that designed a component to be added to ski lift sheave assemblies to mitigate the occurrence of unretained deropements. The design presented won the design competition presided over by the BC Safety Authority in which over 100 teams competed.

an autonomous robot

Engineering Design Competition: Autonomous Robotics

Our team designed, assembled, and programmed an autonomous robot using a VEX Robotics kit that accomplished tasks simulating the disposal of hazardous materials. I served as lead programmer, co-designer and co-constructor on the robotics project.

an example of the OakPlay interface

Software Architecture Project: OakPlay

The development team was tasked with authoring a web app with functionality to schedule facility bookings for a recreation centre. The team designed and implemented a fully featured system with an innovative grid selection page for scheduling.

the KTS project webpage

Requirements Engineering Project: Killer Tech Solutions

The team consulted with a local tech business to learn about requirements engineering techniques that are successful in real-world applications. Furthermore, the team collected requirements and authored documents on requirements and design which were published on a bespoke project website.

an old FSAE webpage

UVic Formula SAE Motorsports Team: Software Project Lead

Created the initial design of the current website using HTML5 templates. The design was based on requirements elicited from team leadership. I also led a requirements elicitation effort with regards to a development project for a new website/knowledgebase application, to be developed in elixir, which was ultimately scrapped owing to resource constraints.



Vancouver, BC Canada