All about jwrg

Greetings! This page aims to be a short blurb about myself, my interests and fields of expertise.


I have expertise in a number of research fields, and expect to publish original research in the future. Fields in which I am well read and have significant expertise include:

  • Cyber risk and cyber law
  • Software design, development, and architecture
  • Anonymity and the dark web
  • Penetration testing and reverse engineering
  • Linguistics and computational linguistics
  • Graph theory, number theory


I have worked in both cyber risk consulting and systems engineering, in both cases entrusted with sensitive materials and high-value, high-tech systems.

I have a number of interesting projects both in maintenance and development, which are outlined on the projects page.

Personal interests

I am a big sports fan, particularly hockey and football, and having grown up around Pacific Northwest rainforests, am passionate about the great outdoors and conservation of said.

My expertise in linguistics and broad smattering of language knowledge is rooted in my esteem for the classics, particularly Ancient Greek and Roman literature. I hope to produce a decent volume of translation snippets for the blog.

The Code

I've talked myself up as quite a jack-of-all-trades (which I am, mind you), but ultimately, I am at the core a software engineer (emphasis on engineer, my degree does not say computer science on it). One's writings (code) should speak for oneself.

So, if you would like to simply jump right into the code I have made public, please check out my GitHub projects directly:



Vancouver, BC Canada